Social Networks Dilemma: Public Account vs Employers Checks

by | Sep 6, 2024 | Newsletter

Today we are going to touch a very delicate topic, and that is the existing practice of employers to check on your crew private social networks profiles.

Indeed, one would say “my social profile is my private life, and the employer has nothing to do on it, neither to judge me as a professional based on my profile”.

The reality is quite different though: social profile checks, alongside with previous employer reference calls and industry network small talk checks, are an integral part of reference check procedure employers or/and recruiters conduct in order to assess whether the candidate would fit the vacancy as a person.

One may like it or not, one may feel own privacy boundaries infringed, but if one opts for a public profile on Instagram, Facebook or any other platform. One should be aware that this is a decision with consequences to keep in mind.

Social networks allow the end user to choose between public and private profile exactly for the purpose of giving the opportunity to protect own private space from the eye of a stranger. If one opts for a public profile, one agrees anyone can visit it.

And anyone means anyone: it can be a fellow yachtie from a neighbour boat, it can be also a recruiter…

We as recruiters discreetly advise to either keep the social network profiles private or, if they wish to share life experiences with all the world prevails, then in such case to filter well what is posted as one never knows how much time the HR department takes to scroll through the profile.

In the end, keeping your social network profile public means nothing less but adding it to your professional profile. It is your choice, just do not forget to make it deliberately!

Wishing you all successful placements on boats of your dream!