Sailing into your first Yachting Job: Essential Skills and Requirements

by | Jan 17, 2025 | Newsletter

Ahoy there!

Recently we have noticed a significant influx of junior crew into our inbox. It got us thinking what are the essential Do’s and Don’ts of getting your first job in yachting. Getting your first job is not a small achievement it takes hard work, determination and self believe.

Of course, to be consider you will need the minimum qualifications for a seafarer, an ENG1 and STCW. For “green crew” if you come from a nautical background achieving RYA/ MCA recognised qualifications such as a power boat level two is worth doing.

Here are ahoy crew’s Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Do, go dock walking.
  • Do, have a clear and interested CV.
  • Do, set yourself a budget for dock walking and moving abroad.
  • Do, ensure your maritime qualifications are recognised by most flag states or MCA approved.
  • Do, have work experience, if not yachting, any industry will gain you transferable skills.
  • Do, highlight your hobbies and interests, these will make you stand out.
  • Don’t, think you’ll get a job by sending endless emails to crew agents.
  • Don’t, ask your parents to email crew agents for you.
  • Don’t, lie on your CV (this is a crime).
  • Don’t, waste all your money on unnecessary yachting courses- experience is more valuable.
  • Don’t, think that yachting is everything you see on social media!

We at Ahoy support junior crew coming into the industry, with the want to start their career as yachting professionals. It’s very rare that a yacht will recruit a junior deckhand through a crew agency and if they do, we want to put forward the best possible candidate for the job. Yacht’s find junior crew mostly from CVS’s they receive from dock walkers, who come to do day work and work hard.

When you send your cv to any agency at any stage in your career. It should be polished, easy to read and should tell the reader who you are. Your qualifications won’t get you the job your experience to date will.

As you process in your yachting career, we wish you all the best. Contact us via or head to to register your details.